The reason is because Bone Spear's main goal is to deal so much damage that it never needs to get in range of enemies, keeping it safe at a distance. Decrepify is manually cast at range in the build because you rarely want to enter close range using Season 1's Caged Heart of the Decrepit Aura.We also take Ghastly Blood Mist to generate a few extra corpses so we can Corpse Tendrils at will. Blood Mist is the only Skill the Necromancer has to provide Immune (which also provides Unstoppable).Our Best In Slot generation setup with Resource Aspect of Exposed Flesh keeps us completely full. Bone Splinters for Essence generation.
The second damage component can make positioning important when fighting elites or bosses.
Bone Spear is our main damage and hits enemies with both the main hit and reflected shards. You may want to use this if you're using Bone Storm when you don't have 100% Crit Chance in the build yet. Caged Heart of the Decrepit Aura - Using this heart lets us remove Decrepify from our skill bar entirely, freeing up a critical skill slot. Caged Heart of Revenge - "Suppressed" means 20% less damage taken, and so this adds strong survivability! If you want to build more tanky, try this heart. Corpse Explosion casts every second, and Corpse Tendrils casts automatically, and this doesn't even trigger your own cooldown! This heart is also used to trigger the amazing Flesh Eater Legendary Node on our paragon tree. Caged Heart of the Sacrilegious - This heart gives us automatic Corpse Explosion and Corpse Tendrils. Adding more Crit Damage is extremely valuable for more instant damage. Caged Heart of Tempting Fate- Our main goal is to get to near 100% Critical Strike Chance with the build, so that we can one-tap enemies. Ultimately, you may want to stock two rings for different loadouts, if you're really min-maxing, or just pick Caged Heart of the Malignant Pact for a "best fit" scenario. But keep in mind that these encounters are a very small selection of the overall gameplay. The Barber may be the better choice for some encounters like Echo of Lilith and World Bosses as well due to its ability to Critically Strike and proc itself, leading to some reports in the community of 300M crits or more. In general you may have better results with The Barber early on when you don't have the build finished, and better results with Pact when the build is closer to completion.
It also delays Bone Spear's instantaneous damage significantly.
Caged Heart of The Barber OR Caged Heart of the Malignant Pact - The Barber creates big numbers but has a large interaction problem with Lucky Hit: Up to 5% Chance to Restore Primary Resource. With this in mind, let's look at the top 3 best Caged Hearts (and alternatives) for this build: Best-in-Slot Caged Hearts